Remote Solutions for Gas Distribution Utilities

 In Electronic Instruments

Honeywell has recently issued a newsletter brochure on its remote solutions for gas distribution utilities. With Honeywell’s portfolio of products and services, an operator can access insights, notifications, and records remotely, from wherever they are, which enhances an operation’s safety, prevents incidents, and effectively manages maintenance.

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Honeywell Gas Pressure Measurement Instruments

Field-proven gas measurement devices are the backbone of Honeywell’s remote solutions. Operators worldwide use these systems to provide robust, reliable readings and secure transmission of pressure, temperature, and flow data.

ERX 350 Electronic Pressure Recorder

Honeywell erx electronic data recorder

Electronic Data Recorders ERX

Among Honeywell’s gas measurement equipment is the ERX 350, a reliable end-of-line, low-pressure point district regulator for system pressure monitoring, records, and alarms. Gas distribution and transmission companies use the ERX 350 to measure inlet and outlet pressures across the grid.

The ERX 350 comes with two pressure inputs, one temperature input, and three digital inputs and provides best-in-class accuracy, extensive memory, advanced diagnostics, and intuitive operation. It has a long battery life, long-term stability, and a plug-and-play digital pressure transducer to ensure low maintenance costs.

Download the newsletter to learn more about Honeywell’s remote solutions and the ERX 350 pressure recorder, Cloud Link 4G cellular modem, MiWireless 350 pressure monitoring, and Controledge MI monitoring and control.

Also, read the latest issue of Honeywell’s Profile’s Magazine.

Related Gas Measurement Product – EC350 Video

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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