Quick Tip: Install Pipeline Strainers with Strainer Nameplates

 In Strainers

Here’s an idea from IMAC Systems: consider tagging the area with a strainer nameplate when installing your pipeline strainers.

Quick Tip: Install Pipeline Strainers with Strainer NameplatesPipeline Strainers

We all know that strainers are the last line of defense to protect expensive pipeline equipment against line debris and foreign matter. With the introduction of the IMAC Systems Strainer Nameplate, one can now take the guesswork out of locating their strainers as they mark the installation location, clearly saying “STRAINER INSIDE.”

Strainer Nameplate

The new nameplates are extremely versatile, durable, and visible. They allow the installer to identify where strainers are present in the pipeline.

Strainer Types

The nameplates will work well for most strainers, including gasket strainers, witches hats, cone strainers, and flanged “T” strainers.

If you would like more information on IMAC Systems Strainer Nameplates to download the product specifications.

IMAC Systems is one of our founding team partners of Linc Energy Systems. We have represented IMAC since January 1990. For information about this company, visit IMAC Systems. Linc Energy sells IMAC products throughout the Rocky Mountain States and surrounding area.

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