NEW Offering: Steel Blue Fabrication

 In meter set accessories

Linc Energy Systems now represents Steel Blue, a fabrication shop specializing in custom fabricating for the natural gas industry.

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NEW Product Offering: Steel Blue Fabrication

Whether you’re seeking out prefabricated meter sets, regulator stations, manifolds, or complete measurement stations, look no further because Steel Blue is becoming the go-to source for these items and other meter-set hardware associated with the natural gas industry.

In addition to reliable products, the company offers various services, from sizing and design to drawing packages and data books. They also provide premium coatings and pride themselves on safety, quality, and professionalism.

The company is based in Florida, and its welders are certified API 1104: Standard for Welding Pipelines & Related Facilities. “This standard covers the gas and arc welding of butt, fillet, and socket welds in carbon and low-alloy steel piping used in the compression, pumping, and transmission of crude petroleum, petroleum products, fuel gases, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen and where applicable, covers welding on distribution systems.”[1]

Custom Fabricating Offerings:

Prefabricated meter sets

prefab gas meter set

Prefab gas meter sets

Residential, commercial, and industrial meter sets for a diaphragm, rotary, and turbine-type gas meters

Regulator stations

District and farm tap regulator stations

Multi-meter manifolds

Meter sets permitting multiple diaphragm meters for residential and commercial applications

Pre-fab multi-meter manifolds

Prefab multi-meter manifolds

Meter and regulator stations/skids

Industrial and utility meter/regulator stations, stand-alone or skid-mounted

Meter set hardware

Pipe supports, relief stacks, spool pieces, brackets, flipples, and other custom-fabricated items

The next time you require any of these offerings, we hope you consider Blue Steel.

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